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Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Grooming – How to Keep your Dog Looking Clean, Healthy and Stylish

For Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs, grooming is extremely important and slightly more time consuming than that of other breeds.

The reason for which Cavalier King Charles Spaniels grooming is a little bit harder is because they are long-haired dogs that need to be brushed on a regular basis.

For King Charles dogs that are kept indoors, bathing also needs to be done more often, particularly in the rainy season when they’re prone to get really dirty due to their small size and short feet.

Clipping Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

King Charles dogs are known for their stylish appearance therefore, owners who want to keep their dogs looking stylish should never trim their undercoat. Although the King Charles has medium-sized hair, brushing is enough to keep its hair clean, untangled and unmated.

Owners who are interested in getting King Charles puppies and taking them to dog-shows and competitions must follow the above-mentioned rule.

This breed’s standards recognized by kennel clubs and associations clearly state that the dog’s hair style needs to have a natural form. The only clipping that is allowed for show-dogs is paw-pads hair clipping.

However, King Charles dog paw-pad hair clipping doesn’t need to be done extremely often. Clipping the pads-hair every few months in cold climate areas and during the winter is enough.

On the other hand, it is a good idea to get the pad-hair clipped about once a month in hot climate areas and during the summer.

Brushing a King Charles Dog

King Charles dogs need to be brushed at least once a week with a firm bristle brush to avoid its hair getting tangled. If the hair gets matted and tangled it will become uncomfortable for the dog.

Moreover, many owners will notice that they can only get rid of tangles by clipping the dog’s hair, which, as mentioned before, is not necessary nor indicated for this breed.

Brushing will need to be done even more often before the King Charles dog’s shedding period. By brushing the dog before shedding, owners who keep their dog indoors will avoid getting dog hair all over their home.

Bathing King Charles Dogs

A King Charles dog needs to be bathed only occasionally, usually about once a month. The dog should be bathed if it’s allowed to come inside at all times.

If the owner believes it has been exposed to insects such as fleas, ticks or chiggers, then the dog should get a tick and fleas bath immediately.

If this part of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels grooming is ignored or taken lightly, the dog can bring these pests into the house. These insects can cause health issues for both owner and pet.

Flea and tick collars, as well as flea control products such as Frontline can also prevent fleas and ticks from hitching a ride on your dog.

Checking for Infections

A very important part of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels grooming is checking for ear and eye infections. Because of its long hair, this breed is highly exposed to getting eye infections that can cause blindness and other problems.

Signs of eye infection can include lots of pus or tears coming from the dog’s eyes and changes in eye color. An owner that suspects an eye inspection should take the King Charles to the vet as soon as possible.

Due to the fact that King Charles Spaniels have long-haired ears, owners should also check regularly for signs of ear infection. Check-ups should be done every few days since many things can cause an infection.

To prevent ear infections, it’s a good idea to regularly clean the dog’s ears with ear cleaning product purchased from the pet shop.

For further information on King Charles Spaniel grooming, we suggest you check out the highly recommended King Charles Spaniel eBook and audio package today!